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10 Powerful AI Tools for Language Arts Teachers

Are you curious about the best AI Tools for Language Arts teachers? Incorporating AI tools into your ELA classroom can save you hours of time – the irony is that researching these tools can be incredibly overwhelming! Thankfully, I’ve done this research for you. In this blog post, I’ll share a variety of AI tools to streamline your workflow and create more engaging, personalized, and effective lesson plans. Many of them are even free to get started! Here’s a list of the best AI tools for Language Arts teachers like you!

Incorporating AI Tools in English Language Arts
Incorporating AI Tools in Language Arts

What are the Best AI Tools for Language Arts Teachers?

When it comes to choosing the best AI tools for Language Arts teachers, it’s best to consider your specific needs and the features that will most benefit your classroom. Here are a few tools that stand out for English Language Arts:


This all-in-one AI tool comes highly recommended for its range of features that are specifically tailored for teachers. Some of the most helpful tools include:

  • Rubric Generator: Develop rubrics based on standards, assignment descriptions, and customizable point scales.
  • Enhanced Lesson Planning: Quickly create curriculum-aligned lesson plans.
  • Differentiated Instruction: Adapt reading materials and assignments to suit different reading levels.
  • Personalized Student Support: Create tailored IEPs for more effective student support and interventions.


This free Chrome extension streamlines your teaching workflow by functioning directly within your browser. The most notable features that Brisk offers include:

  • Lesson Plan Creation: Generate lesson plans, turn them into slide decks, and then into quizzes with just a click.
  • Personalized Feedback: Offer targeted comments and actionable next steps directly within Google Docs.

Text Blaze

Text Blaze is another free Chrome extension that enhances your grading and feedback process. The best part is that you can get started in a few simple steps! Here’s how:

  • Install the Extension: Find it in the Chrome Web Store.
  • Create Snippets: Develop shortcuts for repetitive typing tasks, such as feedback comments or grading rubrics.
  • Customize Snippets: Use dynamic placeholders for personalized feedback.
  • Integrate Text Blaze with Your Workflow: Use these snippets across platforms like Google Classroom and email.


This tool generates custom, interactive lesson plans and is particularly useful for English teachers. Twee’s most popular features include:

  • Lesson Generation: Create high-interest lessons using content like YouTube videos or news articles.
  • Comprehension Questions: Automatically generate well-worded questions and discussion prompts.
  • Reading Strategies and Differentiation: Develop materials tailored to different reading levels and practice strategies.

This tool helps create AI-powered slide presentations effortlessly. offers the following tools:

  • Automated Slide Creation: Turn your lesson plans into visually appealing slides with minimal effort.
  • Customization Options: Easily adjust content and design to fit your specific needs.
AI Tools for Language Arts Teachers
AI Tools for Language Arts Teachers

How Can English Teachers Use AI?

AI tools offer a wide range of possibilities for English teachers – everything from lesson planning to automations to providing personalized student feedback. Here are some practical ways to integrate AI tools for Language Arts teachers:

  1. Streamlining Lesson Planning: You can use AI tools to generate comprehensive lesson plans quickly. Tools like MagicSchool and Twee can create detailed plans that align with your curriculum to save you hours of preparation time.
  2. Enhancing Student Feedback: AI tools can help you provide more personalized and timely feedback. Brisk and Text Blaze allow you to create custom comments and suggestions to ensure each student receives the support they need.
  3. Creating Interactive Content: Generate engaging and interactive content, such as quizzes, discussion prompts, and comprehension questions. AI tools can help you create these materials quickly and ensure they are tailored to your students’ needs.
  4. Differentiated Instruction: Adapt reading materials and assignments for different reading levels and learning styles. Tools like MagicSchool can help you modify content to ensure all students are appropriately challenged and supported.
  5. Automating Administrative Tasks: Reduce your administrative burden by using AI tools to manage tasks like grading and tracking student progress. This allows you to focus more on teaching and less on paperwork.
The Best AI Tools for English Language Arts
The Best AI Tools for English Language Arts

Free AI Tools for Language Arts Teachers

While there are many powerful AI tools for Language Arts teachers available, some of the best options are completely free! Here are a few free AI tools that can make a significant impact in your classroom:

  1. Almanac Ai: This tool is excellent for gamification, report card comments, and classroom management. It helps create an engaging learning environment while simplifying administrative tasks.
  2. Eduaide: Perfect for differentiation and creating assessments, Eduaide allows you to tailor lessons and assessments to meet the diverse needs of your students.
  3. ChatGPT: Utilize ChatGPT for generating writing prompts, providing instant feedback on student essays, and creating engaging classroom content. It’s a versatile tool that can assist with various teaching tasks.
  4. Curipod: This tool is designed for creating interactive lessons. It helps in making lessons more engaging and interactive, enhancing student participation.
  5. Formative AI: Ideal for material crafting, Formative AI can help you develop quizzes, worksheets, and other instructional materials quickly and efficiently.

By integrating these free AI tools into your teaching practice, you can streamline your workflow and provide a more personalized and engaging learning experience for your students.

Incorporating the Best AI Tools into your ELA Classroom
Incorporating the Best AI Tools into your ELA Classroom

AI Tools for Language Arts Teachers: Tying It All Together

AI tools offer so many benefits for English Language Arts teachers, from saving time on lesson planning to providing personalized student feedback. By integrating these tools into your teaching practice, you can create more engaging, effective, and efficient learning experiences for your students. If you enjoyed learning about these AI tools for Language Arts teachers, be sure to join my mailing list and follow along on Instagram!

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